Looking Ahead

Dear friends and family,

From the beginning of this journey in March of 2015, we committed to at least three years of overseas military youth ministry with Young Life Military/Club Beyond. We entered our third year of ministry this year, and over the past several months, we have been in prayer and discernment about our future with Club Beyond.

The military has always held a close place in our hearts, and we have a lifelong desire to serve others. The Lord has opened doors for us to now serve in a different capacity: as an active duty family in the U.S. Air Force. 

Josh has been accepted to Officer Training School as a Combat Systems Officer, a rated (flying) position. As a CSO, Josh will be in charge of navigation, weapons systems, or electronic warfare, depending on his assigned airframe. 


Josh's report date to OTS is in March 2018. Since he will need to ship out from Germany, he will fly straight to OTS, held at Maxwell AFB (Alabama), in March. It's a two-month program and his graduation is scheduled for the end of May. 

While Josh is at OTS, Meagan plans to stay with family in Colorado Springs, then join Josh at his graduation. From there, we will head to NAS Pensacola, FL for one year while Josh attends CSO school. 


First, a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has been faithful through financial support! Military teens' lives have been changed because of YOU! 

We will continue to stay fully engaged with ministry until our departure. Please continue with your current giving until the end of March!

Josh giving the talk at Banana Club a couple weeks ago.

Josh giving the talk at Banana Club a couple weeks ago.

This has not been an easy decision; it's never easy to leave a ministry community. We are thankful to be in a multi-staff area, and after we transition, ministry in the Kaiserslautern Military Community will continue to grow and thrive through them.

We are sad to leave our teen friends, staff friends, and our life in Europe, but we are confident that the Lord has set us on this new path for a purpose. God has blessed us with an incredible adventure over the past two and a half years, with many ups and downs, and we are determined to finish strong. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email at jstrebe@clubbeyond.org or leave a comment below. 

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
— Philippians 1:6 ESV